If you are looking for a very simple way to check, if two objects touch each other in Blender, maybe this might be a solution. The field of collision detection is very popular in game development and these guys have a lot of special algorithms for fast and/or exact collision between circles & circles, rectangles & circles, triangles & circles and so on…
Most of these are based on the Seperating Axis Theorem, which is simply the mathematical solution of the question: Is it possible to look ‘between’ the two objects from any direction? If so, they are not colliding. Things get much simpler, if you just check the bounding boxes of two objects. In case of a cube, the bounding box is exactly the object itself. To check if two cubes touch each other, you have to check a collision between two bounding boxes. To make it even easier, one of the boxes is axis aligned (not rotated). We are talking about AABB (axis aligned bounding box) 3D collision check in Python. For visualization, we are using Blender. In Blender, you can run Python scripts.
Ich war am Wochenende auf der PyData in Berlin – einer Python Konferenz und dessen Anwendung für (große) Daten, d.h. Maschine Learning, Datenbanken, Webanwendungen, Data Wrangling usw.
War genau so eine Konferenz, die man, je nach Talk, in diesem Data Science Venn Diagramm einsortieren kann:
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