Think about a signal, lets say a sine with 5Hz frequency and a sine with 15Hz of frequency with amplitudes of 0.8 and 0.4. They look like this (black and red) and combined like the green one in following figure.

top: y(t)=0.8 sin(2π 5 t), middle: y(t)=0.4 sin(2π 15 t), bottom: mix of both sine wave signals
So, how about the Frequency Domain of these signals? Looks like a FFT (=Discrete Fast Fourier Transform) does the right thing for us, right?
Connection between time and frequency domain of a signal

Matlab Code of this FFT Animation
%% Animation zum Zusammenhang zwischen Signal im Zeit und Frequenzbereich % Paul Balzer % Motorblog | %% Signal generieren % dt = 0.001; t=0:dt:1; f1 = 5; s1 = 0.8*sin(2*pi*f1*t); f2 = 15; s2 = 0.4*sin(2*pi*f2*t); s=s1+s2; % figure(1) % subplot(3,1,1) % plot(t,s1,'-k') % ylabel('Signal 1') % ylim([-1 1]) % grid on % % subplot(3,1,2) % plot(t,s2,'-r') % ylabel('Signal 2') % ylim([-1 1]) % grid on % % subplot(3,1,3) % plot(t,s,'-g','linewidth',2) % xlabel('Time [s]') % ylabel('Resulting Signal') % ylim([-1 1]) % grid on %% FFT % Y = fft(s); n = numel(t); % Anzahl Werte m = floor(n/2); % Spektrumbegrenzung aus Nyquist Frequenz fspec = t.* 1/(dt*n) * 1/dt; % Frequenzvektor ampspec = 2.*abs(Y)/n; % Amplitude figure(2) set(gcf,'color',[1 1 1],'position',[10 10 770 520]) hf = stem3(zeros(1,31),fspec(1:31), ampspec(1:31),'fill'); grid on hold on hs1 = plot3(t(1:m), f1.*ones(1,m), s1(1:m),'-k'); hs2 = plot3(t(1:m), f2.*ones(1,m), s2(1:m),'-r'); hs = plot3(t(1:m), zeros(1,m), s(1:m),'-g','linewidth',5); legend('Amplitude Spectrum',['Signal 1 w/' num2str(f1) 'Hz'],... ['Signal 2 w/' num2str(f2) 'Hz'],'Resulting Signal',... 'location','east') xlabel('Time [s]','fontsize',18) xlim([0 max(t(1:m))]) ylabel('Frequency [Hz]','fontsize',18) ylim([0 max(f1,f2)*2]) zlabel('Amplitude [-]','fontsize',18) box off set(gca,'fontsize',16) %% 3D Darstellung erzeugen % view(0,0) % Frequenzspektrum axis vis3d % so skalieren, dass beim Drehen nichts mehr skaliert title('Signal in time Domain','fontsize',18) drawnow % GIF erzeugen mygif = 'Time-2-Frequency-Domain-FFT.gif'; f = getframe(gcf); [im,map]=rgb2ind(f.cdata,256,'nodither'); imwrite(im,map,mygif,'Delaytime',5,'Loopcount',inf) for i = 0:0.5:90 % Smooth View change hann=0.5*(1-cos(2*pi*i/90)); view(90*(3*(i/90)^2-2*(i/90)^3),40*sind(2*i)*hann) f = getframe(gcf); [im,map]=rgb2ind(f.cdata,256,'nodither'); imwrite(im,map,mygif,'writemode','append','Delaytime',.02) end title('Amplitude Spectrum of the Signal (FFT)','fontsize',18) set(hs,'visible','off') for i = -1:.02:0 zlim([i 1]) f = getframe(gcf); [im,map]=rgb2ind(f.cdata,256,'nodither'); imwrite(im,map,mygif,'writemode','append','Delaytime',.02) end legend('off') annotation('textbox', [.7 0.0 .1 0.1], 'String', 'CC-BY-SA2.0 Paul Balzer | Motorblog'); drawnow f = getframe(gcf); [im,map]=rgb2ind(f.cdata,256,'nodither'); imwrite(im,map,mygif,'writemode','append','Delaytime',5)